The various awards we have won are an impressive sign of recognition and appreciation for our efforts to grow our business, address new issues and tackle new challenges whenever they arise. But we also know that success like this is only possible thanks to the outstanding commitment, hard work and team spirit shown by every single one of our staff. We have an incredible team, and we’re very proud of them!
Award for PMS valveTec GmbH
PMS was given the right to bear the coat of arms of the town of Wolfsberg.
Winner of Austria’s Leading Companies competition
in the “Above 10 million euros national turnover” category
in the “Regional Value Creation” category
in the “Regional Value Creation” category
in the “Best EMAS Environmental Statement” category
in the “Above 10 million euros national turnover” category
in „Special Excellence“ category
in the „courage" category
in the “Best EMAS Environmental Statement” category
in the "Best EMAS Environmental Manager" category
in the “Above 10 million euros national turnover” category
in the “Above 10 million euros national turnover” category