After a long but ultimately successful certification process, PMS is now a “TÜV SÜD-certified Panel Shop Partner in accordance with UL standards”. That means we are officially authorised to engineer and label switch cabinets for the USA and Canada, and as a result can use our technology to give our American and Canadian customers the same competitive edge as our customers in Europe.

The requirements for electrotechnical equipment in the USA and Canada are much stricter than in the European market, with countless regulations that need to be complied with. In order to introduce and market switch cabinets, all materials and components must be UL-certified – as must the end product itself. A minimum safety requirement test which meets the IEC standard is usually not sufficient for authorisation in the American and Canadian market.

TÜV SÜD is accredited as a Nationally Recognized Test Laboratory (NRTL) by the US Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). Having successfully completed the TÜV SÜD Panel Shop programme for the USA in accordance with UL 508A (“Industrial control panels”) and CSA C22.2 No. 286 (“Industrial control panels and assemblies”), and after passing the certification process, PMS is now a partner for switch cabinet engineering and delivery to the USA and Canada and will be on hand to consult customers throughout their projects.

As a TÜV SÜD-certified switch cabinet manufacturer, we can engineer switch cabinets in accordance with UL 508A, NFPA 79 and CSA C22.2 No. 286 and then apply the TÜV SÜD Panel Shop label accepted in the USA and Canada. This certification means our switch cabinets can be exported to the USA and Canada without having to undergo any additional testing, which will save our customers time, energy and money, give them quicker access to their target markets, and ultimately help their businesses grow.